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February 21, 2017

Top MongoDB Resources

As we continue to announce all the great new features in ClusterControl we have been developing for MongoDB we always want to take a moment to look back at some of the top content from...

February 21, 2017

Let the new ClusterControl Secure Your MongoDB Deployments

Today we’re happy to tell you about our release of ClusterControl for MongoDB, which completes our vision to let you fully manage MongoDB whether on premise or in the cloud. Our team has spent the...

January 17, 2017

How to Secure MongoDB From Ransomware – Ten Tips

Following the flurry of blogs, articles and social postings that have been published in recent weeks in response to the attacks on MongoDB systems and related ransomware, we thought we’d clear through the fog and...

January 10, 2017

Secure MongoDB and Protect Yourself From the Ransom Hack

In this blogpost we look at the recent concerns around MongoDB ransomware and security issues, and how to mitigate this threat to your own MongoDB instance. Recently, various security blogs raised concern that a hacker...

September 26, 2016

MySQL Database Security Upgrade Instructions for Zero-day Exploit

You must have heard about the CVE-2016-6662, the recent zero-day exploit exposed in most of MySQL and its variants. The vulnerability flaw can be exploited by a remote attacker to inject malicious settings into your...

June 6, 2016

The Basics of MongoDB Configuration

After covering the deployment of MongoDB in our previous blogpost, we now move on to configuration basics. MongoDB is configured through both the config file (/etc/mongod.conf) and runtime. In the previous blogpost, we mentioned some...

November 5, 2015

wtmp Log Rotation Settings for Sudo User in ClusterControl

Requires ClusterControl. Applies to all supported database clusters. Applies to all supported operating systems (RHEL/CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu). ClusterControl requires a super-privileged SSH user to provision database nodes. If you are running as non-root user, the corresponding user...

October 26, 2015

A Guide to MySQL User Management

Requires ClusterControl 1.2.11 or later. Applies to MySQL based clusters. In this example we will look at how you can use ClusterControl to create a user and assign privileges to the user. We will create...

April 16, 2015

Database Security – How to Fully SSL-Encrypt Your MySQL Galera Cluster

Data security is a hot topic for many companies these days. But for those who need to adhere to security standards like PCI DSS or HIPAA, security is not an option. We showed you sometime...

October 17, 2014

Integrating ClusterControl with FreeIPA and Windows Active Directory for Authentication

  Integrating ClusterControl with a corporate LDAP directory is a common task for many IT organizations. In an earlier blog, we showed you how to integrate ClusterControl with OpenLDAP. In this post, we will show...

August 7, 2014

How-To and Performance Impacts of SSL-Encrypted Replication Traffic in Galera Cluster for MySQL

Deploying Galera Clusters across WAN environments might lead to concerns around data privacy and security - especially as more organisations are having to comply with national and international regulations. You would not want hackers eavesdropping...

April 24, 2014

How to Setup Centralized Authentication of ClusterControl Users with LDAP

  ClusterControl 1.2.6 introduces integration with Active Directory and LDAP authentication. This allows users to log into ClusterControl by using their corporate credentials instead of a separate password. LDAP groups can be mapped onto ClusterControl user...

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