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June 4, 2021

Managing Multiple Database Technologies with ClusterControl

Managing multiple open source database technologies in any environment can be a daunting task, especially if you have fewer resources. The scenario could be worse if deployment, monitoring, and other database management tasks are done manually....

April 9, 2021

How to Get Started With Database Automation

Database automation helps make complex and time consuming tasks simple and fast. The tasks most commonly and easily identified for automation are those that are time-consuming yet repetitive. These often consume productivity, and can affect...

August 21, 2019

Validating Your PostgreSQL Backups on Docker

Backups are the vital and important part of any disaster recovery plan, taking backups of the production database is also a basic and an important part of PostgreSQL administration. However, DBA’s don’t often validate that...

August 2, 2019

ProxySQL Native Clustering with Kubernetes

ProxySQL has supported native clustering since v1.4.2. This means multiple ProxySQL instances are cluster-aware; they are aware of each others' state and able to handle the configuration changes automatically by syncing up to the most...

July 31, 2019

Running Big Data Analytics Queries Using SQL and Presto

Presto is an open-source, parallel distributed, SQL engine for big data processing. It was developed from the ground-up by Facebook. The first internal release took place in 2013 and was quite a revolutionary solution for...

July 22, 2019

How to Monitor PostgreSQL Running Inside a Docker Container: Part Two

This is the second part of the multi-series How to Monitor PostgreSQL Running Inside a Docker Container. In Part 1, I presented an overview of docker containers, policies and networking. In this part we will...

July 15, 2019

How to Monitor PostgreSQL Running Inside a Docker Container: Part One

Monitoring is the action of watching and checking over a period of time in order to see how what you are monitoring develops and performs. You do it so you can make any necessary changes...

June 24, 2019

MariaDB MaxScale Load Balancing on Docker: Management: Part Two

This blog post is a continuation of MariaDB MaxScale Load Balancing  on Docker: Deployment - Part1. In this part, we are going to focus more on management operations with advanced use cases like service control,...

June 21, 2019

MariaDB MaxScale Load Balancing on Docker: Deployment: Part One

MariaDB MaxScale is an advanced, plug-in database proxy for MariaDB database servers. It sits between client applications and the database servers, routing client queries and server responses. MaxScale also monitors the servers, so it will...

June 7, 2018

Running a MariaDB Galera Cluster Without Container Orchestration Tools: Part One

Container orchestration tools simplify the running of a distributed system, by deploying and redeploying containers and handling any failures that occur. One might need to move applications around, e.g., to handle updates, scaling, or underlying...

December 28, 2017

Our Most Popular Database Blog Posts in 2017

As we wrap up our last blog of 2017 we wanted to reflect on what content we have been creating that’s been resonating and generating the most interest with our readers. We will continue to...

June 20, 2017

ClusterControl on Docker

(This blog was updated on June 20, 2017) We’re excited to announce our first step towards dockerizing our products. Please welcome the official ClusterControl Docker image, available on Docker Hub. This will allow you to...

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