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August 17, 2021

ClusterControl Schema Advisors: Why, When, How?

If you’re a database administrator, your database schema is probably one of the primary things you keep a watchful eye on. However, database schema design consists of many different things, and as a database administrator...

August 16, 2021

ClusterControl: Intro to the New Query Monitor

ClusterControl 1.9.0 was released on July 16th 2021 with a lot of new features introduced to the system. Those features include Redis Management and Monitoring, a new agent-based Query Monitoring system for MySQL and PostgreSQL,...

August 13, 2021

Webinar Replay: Top Five Tips to Drive MariaDB Galera Cluster Performance for Nextcloud

Are you a MariaDB database administrator that is facing problems regarding your Galera Cluster implementations? Perhaps you even tried to make it work in harmony with Nextcloud? If you have answered “yes” to any of...

August 11, 2021

Proactive MySQL Monitoring (Developer Studio/Advisors Angle)

Monitoring your MySQL database proactively is imperative nowadays. It plays a crucial and significant part for managing and controlling your database especially for your production-grade clusters. Missing specific information that would be beneficial for improving...

August 10, 2021

Proactive PostgreSQL Monitoring (Developer Studio/Advisors angle)

Monitoring is a way to know if your systems are working properly. Even when using a robust technology like PostgreSQL, it is important to have a good monitoring system that allows you to prevent issues...

August 9, 2021

ClusterControl – Advanced Backup Management – mariabackup Part III

So far in the previous two parts of this short blog series we have discussed several options that may impact the time and size of the backup. We have discussed different compression options and a...

August 6, 2021

Proactive MongoDB Monitoring (Developer Studio/Advisors angle)

ClusterControl has many metrics related to the database, replication, and also operating system. You can also monitor the process that runs inside the database through the opscounter in the Overview. If you enable Agent Based...

August 5, 2021

ClusterControl – Advanced Backup Management – MongoDB

Disaster recovery does not complete without a proper backup system. When something bad happens, the data could be restored by using the backup preferably with the latest one. We might want to avoid restoring the...

August 4, 2021

A Comparison Between ClusterControl and MongoDB OPS Manager

There are various ways to provision MongoDB servers, e.g., manual installation by command line, configuration management tools (eg. ansible, saltstack), or specialized MongoDB deployment tools such as ClusterControl and MongoDB Ops Manager.  Manual installation will...

August 3, 2021

Most Popular NoSQL Databases Supported by ClusterControl

NoSQL ("not only SQL") is an approach to database design that enables the storage and querying of data outside the traditional structures found in relational databases. It was created to primarily deal with unstructured data...

August 3, 2021

ClusterControl – Advanced Backup Management – PostgreSQL

Information is one of the most valuable assets in a company, so you will need a good Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) to prevent data loss in the event of an accident or hardware failure. Backups...

July 23, 2021

Digging Deeper into ClusterControl’s Performance Advisors

If you are a frequent reader of the Severalnines’ database blog, you have probably noticed that Severalnines’ crew talks about performance of databases pretty frequently. Part of that is because of ClusterControl - the flagship...

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